Repost from Mirtsy Belle

1.Where is your cell phone?
beside the mouse

2. Relationship

3. Your hair?

long and "lepek" -_-

4. Work?
still a student

5. Your sisters?
i've no sisters

6. Your favorite thing?
my boyf :p

7. Your dream last night?
i went to Jogja for the 2nd time with my REVISTA :'''''(

8. Your favorite drink?
coca cola

9. Your dream car?

10. Your shoes?

im not wearin any shoes

11. Your fears? 

12. What do you want to be in 10 years? 
be a successful business woman!

13. Who did you hang out with last week?
my boyfie

14. What are you not good at?
 hiding my tears and control my emotion

15. One of your wishlist item?

16. Where you grew up?

17. Last thing you did?
  took a picture with my camera

18. What are you wearing?
t-shirt and long pants

19. Your computer?

20. Your pet?
i dont hve any pets

21. Your life?

nothin special. just flat.
22. Missing?
him and my daddy

23. What are you thinking right now?
my boyfie, why he'snt woke up yet. its already 12pm -_-

24. Your car?
i dont have my own car. my mom has it.

25. Your kitchen?

26. Your favorit color?
white and purple

27. Last time you laugh?

28. Last time you cried?
last nite. when i thought about my junior high school friends. i already miss them so badly

29. Love?
are my family, friends, and my boyf :)

30. So who wants to share their ONEs? how about?
my mom

31. Person selected to the tag:


Gue bukan tipe orang yang pinter nyembunyiin perasaan gue kalo lagi ada masalah. jadi intinya ini gue yang terlalu tertutup, apa orang yang ga peka ya kalo gue lagi 'in trouble'?

Bukan nya gamau cerita, bukan nya mau jadi orang tertutup, tapi setiap gue mau cerita ke orang jg pasti mereka lagi punya masalah. dan ujung-ujungnya juga gue kadang ga dapet solusi apa-apa. cuma dapet kata "sabar ya".

Kadang kalo ada masalah, 1 senjata yang gue keluarin depan orang, "senyum" tapi bukan senyum tulus sayangnya, iya cuma "fake smile"

Cuma butuh tempat curhat. cuma butuh tempat cerita tapi bingung ke siapa. cuma butuh orang yang nanyain keadaan gue hari ini gimana, share hari ini ngapain aja, hari ini ada masalah apa ngga yg bisa mereka bantuin sama kasih solusi. cuma itu.

Oke kesannya manja banget kan? selfish mungkin agak. tapi emang ini kenyataannya

"Its not that im good at hiding my feelings, its just that NO ONE CARES ENOUGH TO NOTICE" - Su Bin Lee

read this, boy!


Happy 8th Anniversary to Me and My Try Susilo Komar, yeayyyyy!:3

i really adore him, so much!

and thanks to Amira udh bikin ucapan iniii hehehe :p

Words For You


new collection for my Toys Story yeayyyy nambah nambah biar cuma sikit sih :p

yg ini dapet dari Si Tray hahaha kiyudh ya? gue aja suka banget hihi makasih ya sayang