long time no post and my exam day's about H-2 more! dan hari pertama itu kimia, geografi, sosiologi. well sosiologi nya sih ga ngeberatin tapi KIMIA sm GEOGRAFI nya itu yg kyk bedebah-,- wish me luck guys, doain ga ada yg remed soalnya gue udah bikin perjanjian sama wali kelas kalo ga bakal ada yg remed lagi hhhh kenapa mesti pake perjanjian2 segala coba kesel deh ah eh iya long time no post juga sekarang gue sayang banget loh sama si boyfie hmm agak lebay ya? tapi sumpah demi apapun emang kenyataannya kyk gitu. oke, mau lanjut belajar dulu and see ya then with my new post!
School Problems
Oh, It Is Love
From the first time I set my eyes upon yours
Thinking, Oh, is it love?
From the first time I set my eyes upon yours
Thinking, Oh, is it love?
Daily List on my Wonderful Saturday :
1. 38 Cup
2. Fahmi's Crib
Like an old people said : "sambil menyelam minum air"
waktu dirumah fahmi pada main cebur-ceburan padahal sm sekali ga ada yg bawa baju ganti, dan pas baliknya itu ujan, thanks god gue punya classmate baik kyk mereka yg mau nawarin diri nganterin kerumahnya adel naik motor padahal itu ujan2, thanks so much especially for Jojo, Bayu, Fahmi, Luhur, Damong, Cepe and Obi :3
1. 38 Cup
2. Fahmi's Crib
Like an old people said : "sambil menyelam minum air"
waktu dirumah fahmi pada main cebur-ceburan padahal sm sekali ga ada yg bawa baju ganti, dan pas baliknya itu ujan, thanks god gue punya classmate baik kyk mereka yg mau nawarin diri nganterin kerumahnya adel naik motor padahal itu ujan2, thanks so much especially for Jojo, Bayu, Fahmi, Luhur, Damong, Cepe and Obi :3
Hold On To The Night
Just when I believed I couldn't ever want for more
This ever changing world pushes me through another door
I saw you smile and my mind could not erase the beauty of your face
Just for a while won't you let me shelter you
Hold onto the night
Hold onto the memories
I wish that I could give you something more
and I could be yours
How do we explain something took us by suprise
Promises invade love that is real but in disguise
What happens now do we break another rule
and let our lovers play the fool
I don't know how to stop feeling this way...
Hold onto the night
Hold onto the memories
If only I could give you something more
Well, I think that I've been true to everybody else but me
and the way I feel about you makes my heart long to be free
Everytime I look into your eyes I'm helplessly aware
That the someone ive been searching for is right there...
Hold onto the night
Hold onto the memories
I wish that I could give you more
Hold onto the night
"Richard Marx"
This ever changing world pushes me through another door
I saw you smile and my mind could not erase the beauty of your face
Just for a while won't you let me shelter you
Hold onto the night
Hold onto the memories
I wish that I could give you something more
and I could be yours
How do we explain something took us by suprise
Promises invade love that is real but in disguise
What happens now do we break another rule
and let our lovers play the fool
I don't know how to stop feeling this way...
Hold onto the night
Hold onto the memories
If only I could give you something more
Well, I think that I've been true to everybody else but me
and the way I feel about you makes my heart long to be free
Everytime I look into your eyes I'm helplessly aware
That the someone ive been searching for is right there...
Hold onto the night
Hold onto the memories
I wish that I could give you more
Hold onto the night
"Richard Marx"
Silly Wednesday!
look what i've done to my two classmates when i got bore-d in Germany Class
1st Victim: Naufal, gue tempelin tulisan "Terima Sedot Tinja" di punggungnya wahahahahahaha asli pas gue nempelin ini gue ngakak terpingkal-pingkal sm Inna sm Adel.
2nd Citra, gue tempelin tulisan "Call Me" eh tapi itu nomer yg gue tulis ngasal loh sumpah bukan nomer siapa2 huahaha dan begonya dia ga nyadar2. Pas Frau Wilma lewat kyknya dia ngeliat gitu deh gue jd ada feeling2 ga enak kalo ketawan akhirnya di cabut deh. eh ketawan si citra pas nyabut alhasil marah-marah ini anak hahahaha
pas pulang juga Jojo, Adang, Refi, Cia, Satrio gue tempelin beginian dan yang paling kocak Satrio gue tempelin tulisannya begini "Terima Sedot Tinja, Dijamin Puasssssss......" dan gataunya kata Inna, Satrio ga nyadar sampe pulang wkwkwkwkwk tolol-tolol eh tunggu gataunya gue ditempelin juga! fuck pantesan aja Naufal ketawa2 selama jalan balik hhh
oiya pas di kelas juga gue bikin gambar beginian, buat Adel sm Iboy pastinya hehehe
dan gatau kenapa kalo si cina tukang kimpoi diatas ketawa, gue ikutan ketawa wakakaka abis sekalinya ketawa geli kocak bener, trus juga kalo dia udah gaya kayak orang jutek alisnya di angkat sebelah beeeeh makin ngakak gue hahaha
udah deh pegel juga nih lama-lama mata depan laptop mulu huahm see ya!
Hey, 9C!
oke gue kangen banget sama SMPI Al-Azhar 2 Pejaten, Angkatan 21 a.k.a REVISTA XXI, Especially My Ex Classmates 9C. trully, madly, deeply do gue kangen banget sm lo semuaaaaa oke shared photos tampang2 penghuni 9C
Maskot 9C : Om Bintang huahaua
oke enough shared photo anak2nya sekarang shared photos waktu main kartu pas pelajaran Agama sm Pak Sirjud hahaha dia ngajar udah panjang2 pas ngeliat ke bangku belakang "loh yg ini pada kemana ini" gataunya pas dia kebelakang kartu langsung di umpetin semua dan alesan kita not make sense banget "kita semua ga bawa LKS pak jadi 1 LKS buat bareng2" ckckck kasian Si Pak Sirjud maafin kita ya Pak! oke shared photos lagi
kalo liat foto ini main kartu di atas buku Agama Islam apa masih bisa di bilang anak Al-Azhar? hmmmmmm
remember that moment guys? for my self, i really2 remember those moment and if i had a time machine i really2 want to rewind those moment :3 I Miss You 9C
atas (kiri ke kanan) : Dela, Nilam, Safira, Icha, Shela, Sarki, Sari, Ghina, Amel
tengah (kiri ke kanan) : Adek, Bintang, Fajar, Rafdison, Atemi, Ikhwan, Novri, Ines, Rafdi, Bu Reni, Handana, Bunga, Arifa, Tika, Uga, Dety, May, Milie
bawah (kiri ke kanan) : Luqman, Ziad, Adi, Niki, Ekky, Dimas, Falah, Saski
Maskot 9C : Om Bintang huahaua
oke enough shared photo anak2nya sekarang shared photos waktu main kartu pas pelajaran Agama sm Pak Sirjud hahaha dia ngajar udah panjang2 pas ngeliat ke bangku belakang "loh yg ini pada kemana ini" gataunya pas dia kebelakang kartu langsung di umpetin semua dan alesan kita not make sense banget "kita semua ga bawa LKS pak jadi 1 LKS buat bareng2" ckckck kasian Si Pak Sirjud maafin kita ya Pak! oke shared photos lagi
kalo liat foto ini main kartu di atas buku Agama Islam apa masih bisa di bilang anak Al-Azhar? hmmmmmm
remember that moment guys? for my self, i really2 remember those moment and if i had a time machine i really2 want to rewind those moment :3 I Miss You 9C
atas (kiri ke kanan) : Dela, Nilam, Safira, Icha, Shela, Sarki, Sari, Ghina, Amel
tengah (kiri ke kanan) : Adek, Bintang, Fajar, Rafdison, Atemi, Ikhwan, Novri, Ines, Rafdi, Bu Reni, Handana, Bunga, Arifa, Tika, Uga, Dety, May, Milie
bawah (kiri ke kanan) : Luqman, Ziad, Adi, Niki, Ekky, Dimas, Falah, Saski
Kami Anak Muslimah
jadi ceritanya tuh hari ini kita ada pelajaran agama nah kan pake kerudungan kan tuh? oke, padahal ga ada guru tapi betapa alim nya Gue sm Adel tetep pake kerudung. Well, judulnya aja Kami Anak Muslimah hahahaha shared photos aja ye
oke do you want to know otak dibalik kerudungan ini?
jadi abis pelajaran agama kan ada pelajaran biologi, lalu................... duduklah gue sm Si Anak Gila satu ini. hmmmm gurunya kan lagi ngomongin bakteri2 apa gitu tadi eh tiba2 Adel nyautnya kok ke Kondom dah? ckckckckck gue tau emang ini agak frontal tp pas dikelas gue sampe ngakak2 sendiri gara2 ngomongin beginian
Conversation 1
May says : "Kalo di dunia cuma ada Lo, Iboy, Ibong gimana ya del?"
Adel says : "waduh bisa lebar ntar punya gue dipake mereka mulu"
May says : "ANYING BAHASA LO LEBAR! kaga lebar goblok, kan makenya depan belakang. nanti yg satu serang depan satu serang belakang"
Adel says : "wakakakakakakakakaka" (ketawa sampe megangin perut)
Conversation 2
Adel Says : "Eh gue lagi pengen meluk Iboy nih ga boong, ntar rasanya kalo ketemu pengen gue peluk deh
May Says : "Ya silahkan peluk aja lah kalo ketemu ntar"
Adel Says : "Apa gue sengajain aja ye kepeleset atau apa gitu tp ntar ngarahnya ke dia"
May Says : "bekakakaka mending lo ntar sengaja nabrak dia aja tapi sambil busungin dada del"
Adel Says : "HAHAHAHA anjing lo"
May Says : "Ya nanti kan kalo misalnya lo sambil ngebusungin dada siapa tau si Iboy nagih minta dipeluk HAHAHA"
beberapa menit kemudian Si Adel ketawa lagi
May says : "ngape lo?"
Adel Says : "gapape wakakaka gue drtd ngebayangin mulu nih nabrak dia sambil busungin dada"
Conversation 3
Jadi kebetulan Gue sm Adel duduk lagi belakang2an sm Bayu sm Jojo, awalnya cuma ngomongin rokok trus gank2 gitu eh lama2 ke Conversation ini deh.........................
Bayu Says : "Del, lo suka nontonin bokep ya?"
Adel Says : "HAHAHA kaga lah, tp pernah"
May Says : "Yaelah adel mah rutinitas kali nonton begituan"
Bayu Says : "HAHA emang cewe ngapain sih nonton2 begituan?"
May Says : "Ya iseng lah pinter"
Adel Says : "Iya iseng kalo ga ada kerjaan"
May Says : "Emang cowo ngapain nonton2in begituan?"
Bayu & Jojo Says : "Iseng juga sekalian (hm apa gitu gue lupa kata2nya mereka haha)"
Adel Says : "Gue inget banget tuh pertama kali nonton nama gaya nya gaya "Maling *sensor*"
Bayu & May Says : "WAKAKAKAKAKA (ketawa ga nahan)"
Bayu Says : "Kemaren Sondot minta video pekob tuh ke gue, gue kasih aja 20 biji"
Adel Says : "Hah? ebuset skrg mana videonya? (cie adel nanyain mau minta ya?)"
Bayu Says : "Ada di hp gue tuh"
Jojo Says : (langsung ngumpetin hp nya Bayu)
May Says : "Yah si Jojo kenapa di umpetin eh?"
Jojo Says : "Hus anak cewe ga baik nonton beginian, ga suka gue"
May Says : "Cie jojo ehm otaknya bener banget nih lo ga suka cewe nonton bokep?"
Jojo Says : "Ngga hahahaha"
Conversation yang lain terlalu frontal buat diomongin ga boong ini aja udah yg paling mending emang dasar ya otak anak2 muslimah jaman skrg aja udah begini hm hm hm tp gue bingung loh kok hari ini otaknya pada bokep2 bener ya? padahal biasanya ga sebokep ini loh. buktinya aja tumbenan Si Naufal tadi ngomong2in kimpoi, cipokan segala macem wedeh seorang huey! hahaha
yaudah deh sampe sini dulu aja yaaa bye bye
oke do you want to know otak dibalik kerudungan ini?
jadi abis pelajaran agama kan ada pelajaran biologi, lalu................... duduklah gue sm Si Anak Gila satu ini. hmmmm gurunya kan lagi ngomongin bakteri2 apa gitu tadi eh tiba2 Adel nyautnya kok ke Kondom dah? ckckckckck gue tau emang ini agak frontal tp pas dikelas gue sampe ngakak2 sendiri gara2 ngomongin beginian
Conversation 1
May says : "Kalo di dunia cuma ada Lo, Iboy, Ibong gimana ya del?"
Adel says : "waduh bisa lebar ntar punya gue dipake mereka mulu"
May says : "ANYING BAHASA LO LEBAR! kaga lebar goblok, kan makenya depan belakang. nanti yg satu serang depan satu serang belakang"
Adel says : "wakakakakakakakakaka" (ketawa sampe megangin perut)
Conversation 2
Adel Says : "Eh gue lagi pengen meluk Iboy nih ga boong, ntar rasanya kalo ketemu pengen gue peluk deh
May Says : "Ya silahkan peluk aja lah kalo ketemu ntar"
Adel Says : "Apa gue sengajain aja ye kepeleset atau apa gitu tp ntar ngarahnya ke dia"
May Says : "bekakakaka mending lo ntar sengaja nabrak dia aja tapi sambil busungin dada del"
Adel Says : "HAHAHAHA anjing lo"
May Says : "Ya nanti kan kalo misalnya lo sambil ngebusungin dada siapa tau si Iboy nagih minta dipeluk HAHAHA"
beberapa menit kemudian Si Adel ketawa lagi
May says : "ngape lo?"
Adel Says : "gapape wakakaka gue drtd ngebayangin mulu nih nabrak dia sambil busungin dada"
Conversation 3
Jadi kebetulan Gue sm Adel duduk lagi belakang2an sm Bayu sm Jojo, awalnya cuma ngomongin rokok trus gank2 gitu eh lama2 ke Conversation ini deh.........................
Bayu Says : "Del, lo suka nontonin bokep ya?"
Adel Says : "HAHAHA kaga lah, tp pernah"
May Says : "Yaelah adel mah rutinitas kali nonton begituan"
Bayu Says : "HAHA emang cewe ngapain sih nonton2 begituan?"
May Says : "Ya iseng lah pinter"
Adel Says : "Iya iseng kalo ga ada kerjaan"
May Says : "Emang cowo ngapain nonton2in begituan?"
Bayu & Jojo Says : "Iseng juga sekalian (hm apa gitu gue lupa kata2nya mereka haha)"
Adel Says : "Gue inget banget tuh pertama kali nonton nama gaya nya gaya "Maling *sensor*"
Bayu & May Says : "WAKAKAKAKAKA (ketawa ga nahan)"
Bayu Says : "Kemaren Sondot minta video pekob tuh ke gue, gue kasih aja 20 biji"
Adel Says : "Hah? ebuset skrg mana videonya? (cie adel nanyain mau minta ya?)"
Bayu Says : "Ada di hp gue tuh"
Jojo Says : (langsung ngumpetin hp nya Bayu)
May Says : "Yah si Jojo kenapa di umpetin eh?"
Jojo Says : "Hus anak cewe ga baik nonton beginian, ga suka gue"
May Says : "Cie jojo ehm otaknya bener banget nih lo ga suka cewe nonton bokep?"
Jojo Says : "Ngga hahahaha"
Conversation yang lain terlalu frontal buat diomongin ga boong ini aja udah yg paling mending emang dasar ya otak anak2 muslimah jaman skrg aja udah begini hm hm hm tp gue bingung loh kok hari ini otaknya pada bokep2 bener ya? padahal biasanya ga sebokep ini loh. buktinya aja tumbenan Si Naufal tadi ngomong2in kimpoi, cipokan segala macem wedeh seorang huey! hahaha
yaudah deh sampe sini dulu aja yaaa bye bye
My Confession
If you're not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?
I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you're not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I'm praying you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side
I don’t wanna run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If You're Not The One by Daniel Bedingfield
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?
I never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you're not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I'm praying you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
And though I can't be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side
I don’t wanna run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If You're Not The One by Daniel Bedingfield
sebenernya ini cuma foto iseng doang dan "look-a-like" terlalu ngarep hahahahahaha oke shared photos yg gue bilang foto ngarep itu kyk gimana
gue akuin fotonya emang ngejijikin banget tapi kapan lagi wey bisa berasa foto sama si ganteng? HAHAHA
gue akuin fotonya emang ngejijikin banget tapi kapan lagi wey bisa berasa foto sama si ganteng? HAHAHA
My Confession
You used to be the one that put a smile on my face
no words that could describe how I miss you
and I miss you everyday!
no words that could describe how I miss you
and I miss you everyday!
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